" Surface Roughness Repair - Precision Tool Works

Surface Roughness Repair

Surface Roughness Repair

Surface roughness is an indication of a surface’s smoothness, and it’s generally measured in micro-inches or micro-meters.  The roughness of a surface as it relates to many tools determines the accuracy by which a tool can measure.

Surface Roughness Repair

We repair Surftest, Surface Testers, Profilometers, Contracers, Contour Readers, Contour Tracers with Plotters or Recorders and more.

During the repair of your surface analyzing equipment, we inspect buttons, switches, wiring, and connections on base unit & readout. Slides, gearing, guides, drive motors, bearings, bushings, connections and wiring are inspected on drivers, plotters and recorders. Detectors and armatures are inspected for damage and wear. Worn and damaged components are replaced when possible.